Sunday, February 1, 2009

No caste system plss...

A thought crossed my mind..and that was something very sensitive...still remember one guy who got 1 mark out of 1000 in a pre-medical test got through the test just because he belonged to a particular caste..i am not against reservations though..a small percentage should be there for upliftment of the unfortunate ones..however reservations should be based on economic criteria and not on caste, as is the case in our country..wonder what will happen to the patients who will go to the guy, who becomes a doctor after getting 1 mark out of 1000, and also wonder people propagating for reservations would go to this guy for the treatment of themselves and their families...i live in a country where u cant get thru a good school or a college if u dont belong to a particular community..thats ridiculous...really fear for the generations to come...

1 comment:

vijay said...

agree with that man.. but thanks to our caste based politics. There's nothing much anyone can do.

Worst is, with that 1 marks doctor.. its general class public who is going to get suffer. As The Great Politicians are going to get treated in world class hospitals... at the expense of tax payers money...